
Day of Reckoning

Well, time for the daily check in:

I completed one of my goals! I got a scale! *Drumroll please!*

My official weight is.... 265 lbs.

The good news: That's nowhere near my previous estimate of 279 lbs
The other good news: I can now track my weight, and I know I still gotta lotta loosin' ta do!

Notice there is no bad news. Almost. Let's just say it involves pizza.

I started a late morning (which I am trying not to do anymore) with one of my boost energy drinks. Then, my family and I went to Subway. I am very proud of myself because I made some very good food choices. I had the 6'' Cold Cut Classic with some Baked chips. My drink was water. Later today, I had a vitamin water. Finally for dinner, since we were running low on cash, I unfortunately had to eat pizza. I had 3 slices. But I noticed one thing after consumption. My stomach felt and still does feel nauteous. I think this is because I have been eating realtively healthy for the past two weeks and that large intake of grease upset my stomach. I showed some real inner strength because I usually would eat 4-5 slices of pizza. So I can now do a calorie estimate. From now on, I'll probably just log what foods I ate and find the calories lately. Overall, I think I did well with my choices, considering I had no control over the pizza incident.

Now, however, I have new found confidence and I am ready to show the world what I can do with myself. Last night after my last post, I came up with a detailed exercise plan that I intend to carry out starting tommorow (Another goal completed!). I decided that if I won't go the gym on Saturdays, I'll have to be very careful about what I eat (yet another goal). A late night of washing clothes awaits and I must get to work early. I'm going to keep trying to do impossible.

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