
New Lease on Health

I just looked at a recent picture of myself… UNACCEPTABLE

Afer a successful summer (preceding posts), I am now at University and my whole weight loss dynamic has changed... I got independence baby!

I need to reequip myself with the tools I had over the summer, specifically my scale. I have no idea where I am now in terms of weight...

Food availability is different… I have to eat from the caf, but all I have to do is make the right choices. I will attempt a low calorie diet (LCD). The calories I do get will be from quality food sources… which means NO SNACK MACHINE! Lol.

I will do as much as I did in the summer to achieve the same results. In a time span of a about a month, I lost five pounds. If I can recreate that and adhere for the semester, I could loose up to twenty pounds (five pounds x four months). I am just worried that I will not be able to weight train as I did before, but I am going to experiment for a month without it. Maybe I will loose more weight considering I am not gaining muscle mass.

My goal is going to be hard given that I now have challenging classes to deal with and that for two moths it will be very cold. BUT I AM UP TO IT! Tomorrow is when the campus gym officially opens for the spring semester of 2006. I am so psyched and ready! I’ll be in bed by 10, wake up early at 8, and go to the gym….

I can't change where I've been, but I can change where I am going. So as of midnight, my slate is wiped clean. I am starting over... I have a new lease on health!

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